Sunday, November 7, 2010

Christmas Stockings

Three embroidered stocking tops

One stocking almost finished!
Spurred on by the fact that my sister asked for my assistance in making christmas stockings for her three grandchildren, I have so far embroidered six names for my own, and finished just one of the stockings!  I feel like I have accomplished so much.  When my sister comes to sew again on Tuesday I expect that we will finish our stockings.  They are not difficult to sew and look so stunning.  Now to find some precious little presents to fill them with!  When I was a kid in England every stocking from Father Christmas had a mandarin nestling in the toe.  That kind of exotic fruit was not to be had during the year, and to this day the smell of madarins reminds me of Christmas.  It was also the only day of the year we had chicken which was an absolute treat, one that we could not afford very often.  Making these stockings has brought back some precious memories.

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